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Baclofen is used for the treatment of muscle spasms, caused by multiple sclerosis and other diseases. It can be used as well for the treatment of other diseases defined by the doctor.

Brand: Baclofen

Availability: In Stock
Average Delivery Time: 9 Days
Exp. Date: July 2027
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Package Price Per pill Save Order
Baclofen 25 mg
180 pills - 25 mg
+ 12 free Viagra 100 mg, 7% discount for future orders
$351.97 $1.96 $247.73 Add to cart
120 pills - 25 mg
+ 8 free Viagra 100 mg, 5% discount for future orders
$251.93 $2.10 $147.87 Add to cart
90 pills - 25 mg
+ 8 free Viagra 100 mg, 5% discount for future orders
$201.75 $2.24 $98.10 Add to cart
60 pills - 25 mg
+ 4 free Viagra 100 mg, 3% discount for future orders
$153.75 $2.56 $46.15 Add to cart
30 pills - 25 mg $99.95 $3.33 No Add to cart
Baclofen 10 mg
360 pills - 10 mg
+ 8 free Viagra 100 mg, 5% discount for future orders
$215.99 $0.60 $89.11 Add to cart
270 pills - 10 mg
+ 4 free Viagra 100 mg, 3% discount for future orders
$168.73 $0.62 $60.10 Add to cart
180 pills - 10 mg
+ 4 free Viagra 100 mg, 3% discount for future orders
$118.95 $0.66 $33.60 Add to cart
120 pills - 10 mg $84.75 $0.71 $16.95 Add to cart
90 pills - 10 mg $67.35 $0.75 $8.93 Add to cart
60 pills - 10 mg $50.85 $0.85 No Add to cart

Product description

Drug title


Usage indications

Baclofen is used for the treatment of muscle spasms, caused by multiple sclerosis and other diseases. It can be used as well for the treatment of other diseases defined by the doctor.

Application mode

Use Baclofen in accordance with your doctor indications.
Baclofen is for oral intake with or without food.
Consult with your doctor on any questions you have about Baclofen application.

Drug class and mechanism of action

Baclofen is a muscle relaxant.  If decreases  muscle spasms frequency and difficulty, caused due to neurological disorders such multiple sclerosis.

Missed doses

Do not miss any intake. During single miss of doze intake it is necessary to take the doze as soon as possible. If the time of missed doze intake corresponds to the time of next doze intake the drug intake should be missed. The double dosage is prohibited for intake.


Store Baclofen at room temperature of 68- 77 F degrees (20 -25 С degrees) in a tightly closed container. Short –term storage period at the temperature of 59- 86  F degrees (15 - 30 С degrees) is allowed. Keep away from the sources of heat, humidity and light. Do not store at the bathroom. Keep away from children and pets.

Precautions / warning

Do not use Baclofen if:

  • you are allergic to any of Baclofen component.

Contact your doctor or pharmaceutist in case any of the following relates to you..


  • baclofen can cause sleepiness, giddiness or vision blurring. These effects might get worse if you take Baclofen with alcohol or specific drugs. Mind being cautious when taking Baclofen. Do not drive and do not do other possibly dangerous operations until you know your reaction to it.
  • do not take alcohol or narcotic drugs which cause sleepiness (hypnotic, muscle relaxants) when taking baclofen. Consult with your doctor  on the issues which drugs can cause sleepiness.
  • baclofen is not recommended for intake by children younger than 12 years. The safety and  efficiency had not been detected.
  • pregnancy and breast feeding: contact your doctor  in case if you got pregnant to discuss advantages and risks of Baclofen usage during pregnancy.  The Baclofen discharge with mother milk had not been studied. Do not do breast feeding during baclofen intake.

Possible side effects

Consult with your doctor in case if any of these most wide spread side effects persist or irritate:

  • constipation, giddiness, sleepiness, tiredness, headache, vomiting, insomnia.

Contact your doctor immediately in case any of the following serious side effects arise:

  • heavy allergic reactions (rash, nettle rash, itch, breathing difficulties, chest constraint, mouth, face, lips or tongue edema), vision disfunction, blurred consciousness, frequent urination, hand or legs increased weakness, spasms, sore throat, vomiting.

Additional information

Use Baclofen independently and do not share it with other people. Contact your doctor in case of symptoms non-improvement or getting worse.